Italia in Scena journey among the theatre in the north of the Marche Region
The beauty of Italy and its secret corners, the magic of music filling the most exclusive and spectacular stages, the chence to share flavours and colours of a territory. Our tours, the Italia in Scena journeys, want to be a perfect mix of these ingredients to offer the best experience to our travellers.
Welcome in the Marche Region!
In the Marche, land of a hundred theatres tour you will find small villages such as San Lorenzo in Campo, Urbania, Mondavio with their precious small theatres. You will find the great tradition of Pesaro, UNESCO city of music and Capital of Italian Culture 2024 and the art and history of Urbino. you will find wines and flavors of local companies: there's a lot to be discovered.
We could go on with this long list but, this time, we want to save words and offer you a little taste through images wishing you a good trip, waiting to meet in person on the next tour!